01 There They Preached the Gospel

01 There They Preached the Gospel

There They Preached the Gospel

Acts 14:1-20

What is the gospel?

1 Corinthians 15:1-4 The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ

Everything should be done for gospel


The Dividing of the Gospel vs. 1-7

Vs. 3 They were in Iconium for a while, preaching the gospel, discipling and establishing a church

Jesus said He came to give division Luke 12:51-53

It is not the gospel that divides, but man’s opposition towards it


The Healing Work of the Gospel vs. 8-10

This is representative of how the gospel changes lives

That was what part of the Great Commission said would happen, as we go miracles will happen.


The Tendency to Mix the Gospel vs. 11-18

Today’s world is doing this today, mixing the world with the gospel message.

These two do not mix, they are opposite

Vs. 15 The importance of creation science is to let people know who is the God we serve.

Vs. 16 Before God allowed nations to walk however they wanted (this didn’t mean they went to heaven because of their ignorance)

Vs. 17 Even then God left witnesses in both creation and preachers that there is one true God


The Suffering for the Gospel vs. 19-20

It will cost to be involved in giving the gospel

Supposing always means to conclude from custom, law or evidence

Even though Paul was stoned, God still had work for Paul to do.

We see God’s protection on us, even to the point of miracles to get His message out.