14 Pattern of Sound Words

14 Pattern of Sound Words

Pattern of Sound Words

II Timothy 1:13

Several Reasons why it is important to Use the Language of Scripture

Sound Words give health.

Sound = health words

If you are not sure how to express something, express it in God’s words.

How Does God’s word express it?


The Pure Doctrines of God’s Word

The Bible is not found in the Bible, it is called God’s Word

Jesus never left heaven – He was God and omnipresent

John 3:13

Eternal security – Eternal Salvation

Hebrews 5:9

Don’t use man’s interpretation of God’s Word, use God’s Words

Authority of God’s Word

Man’s words lack authority – God’s words are filled with authority.

People often need to take a strong stand and using God’s word will help.

Fornication is a strong word to use.

John 4:16

My way of stating it doesn’t have the authority God’s word has.

Challenge – God’s command

God does command us and we need his word of absolute authority.

Burnout – fainting (also a cure for fainting, no cure for burnout)

Psalm 27:13

Psalm 119:126

A discouraged Christian is a bad example for the world.

We need to be an encouragement of faith.

Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water – The whole council of God

Acts 20:27

We need the whole council of God in our lives.

We need to build our vocabulary in Bible language.

We need to subtract man’s words from our vocabulary.


Pure Subjects of God’s Word

You can not preach a scriptural sermon if you have an unscriptural subject.

Christ is the answer – Christ is all

Christ is not the answer to every question if you are asking the wrong question.

Colossians 3:11

People aren’t hungry for Christ in the right way.

Every truth of God supports every truth of God.

If you turn away one truth of God you turn away every truth of God.

Don’t use catchy titles, use Biblical titles.

Titles show the preachers are clever, not scriptural.

We should preach things that we have already gotten a blessing from.

How to be happy – How to know God

You become happy as you get to know God.

The Bible doesn’t teach us how to be happy, it teaches us how to be obedient.

Don’t make a goal out of the big-product

I Timothy 1:11

“blessed God” “Happy God”

The Bible doesn’t teach how to be successful – the Bible teaches how to obey

Joshua 1:8

The Bible does not tell you how to be successful; it tells you how to obey God.

Success is a by-product

Romans 12:2

God’s will is a better goal then success.

We should want God glorified in our life.


Strong Convicting Power of God’s Words

There is no convicting power in man’s words.

Don’t try to convict people of their sins, its God’s job and His word

You cannot convict people yourself, use the power of God’s word.

Alcoholism – Drunkard

AA is a substitute for Christ.

Nothing is pure gospel unless it is all about Christ.

If it is a disease, there is no promise to overcome it.

Sometimes it’s an addition to Christ.

Telling Stories – telling lies

A lie is never justifiable.

A lie is a contradicting of the character of God.

“Lies” is more powerful then “telling stories”

Don’t expect people to be convicted of sin using your own words.

Compromise – not found in the Bible (Disobedient)

You don’t compromise you are simply disobedient.

Problem – Abomination (Sin problem – Sin abomination)

Christian Psychologist use the word problem more than the name of Christ.

Many people portray Christ as the problem solver, He is not; He is the Saviour of sin.


Completeness of God’s Word

We need others to help give us understanding on God’s word.

This includes commentaries.

Balance – Complete

It’s not balanced, it’s a complete truth

II Timothy 3:16-17

The Lord Reigneth – Man is responsible

Both are important, and the truth lies in full acceptance of both.

Our completeness in his perfection.

Our heart knowledge of the word of God is enough to make a man complete.

If the Lord terries – If the Lord wills

If the Lord terries is not found in the Bible

The Lord may terry, but it’s still not God’s will.

I Corinthian 4:19

James 4:15

Peter couldn’t say if the Lord terry, because Jesus told Peter that Peter was going to die.  Peter had to say if the Lord wills.

Psalm 62:10

Revelation 14:13

This was more than dying for the Lord, they are dying in the Lord.

You are on sure ground when you use Bible language.


Safe Guards of God’s Words Against Dangerous Ideas

The false cults around the world uses non Biblical phraseology and people don’t notice

  1. S. Louis in Cases for Christianity never quoted scripture – Just Philosophy

Was an Anglo – Catholic (Church of England)

Low self-image – not looking to Jesus

Hebrews 12:2

When you look up to Jesus, you’re looking away from something else.

Sharing Christ – Preaching Christ.


Pure Goals of God’s Word

That I may know Him.

Philippians 3:10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;

The only goal is knowing Him, if we know Him we will make Him known

Knowing yourself is a by-product of knowing Christ.

Every course and everything we learn should be to make us know God better.

Knowing God is making Him known.

“Know thy self” – Socrates

Did Socrates know himself? No

True conviction of sin was lacking in Socrates.

A person looking to Jesus is ready to examine himself.

Jeremiah 31:18