31 II Corinthians – Comfort in the Darkest Hour

31 II Corinthians – Comfort in the Darkest Hour

II Corinthians – Comfort in the Darkest Hour

II Corinthians 1:1-12

In our darkest hour, God is there to give us grace and comfort for the purpose of helping others trust in God.


Paul’s Darkest Hour

After hearing the events taking place in the church of Corinth, Paul desired to go personally and follow up.

This was helped along with the revolt of the silversmiths at Ephesus.

He sent Titus ahead to see how the church members of Corinth had responded to the letter, and Titus hadn’t returned with the news.

As they were traveling back to Corinth, they ran into major persecution in Macedonia “without were fightings; within were fears”

Corinth has appeared to be in full revolt against him. Galatia was falling away to ‘another gospel’

In Troas Paul got extremely sick, to the point were they were fearful that he was going to die.

“He has been at death’s door. His life and work, to all appearance, were coming to an end, and under the circumstances of the most ominous nature, were coming to an end, and under the circumstances of the most ominous nature. Together with his life, the fate of his mission and of Gentile Christianity trembled in the balance. Never had he felt so helpless, so beaten down and discomforted, as on that melancholy journey from Ephesus to Macedonia, and while he lay upon his sick-bed, not knowing whether Titus or the messenger of death would reach him first.”

Finally Titus did reach Paul and encouraged him that the Corinthian church received the first letter well, and most of the church was with him.

However the “Cephas” division solidified and grew stronger. They were still a minority within the church, but they were vocal against the Apostle Paul and his ministry.

This prompted the Holy Spirit to write the second epistle

The theme of II Corinthians is Ministry and Methods.

This is Paul’s defense of his life and ministry. It can be divided like so:

Paul’s Account on Ministry Ch 1-5

Paul’s Appeal to the Ministry Ch 6-9

Paul’s Answer to Ministry Critics 10-13


Paul’s Motive for Going

II Corinthians 5:8-21

We must stand before the judgment

Christ died for us

The love of God constaineth us

Christ gave us a job to do: the ministry of reconciliation through the word of reconciliation


Paul’s Weakness is God’s Strength

II Corinthians 12:7-10

While Paul was sick in Troas, God still used him to start a church there

II Corinthians 1:1-7