31 The Sword of the Lord

31 The Sword of the Lord

The Sword of the Lord

Judges 7

Weeding Down the Army vs. 1-8

He started with 32,000. God told Gideon to dismiss everyone that was scared and 22,000 left. Even the 10,000 was too many. God had them go to the bank and drink. Any man who was alert while drinking was to be kept. That weeded that army to 300.


The Battle Already Won vs. 9-15

God also had to prove to Gideon that the battle was already won before the battle began. God had Gideon approach the enemy camp and listen to them talk. The soldier spoke of a dream. That dream indicated that God already won!


Letting the Light Shine vs. 16-25

He then equipped each of the men with a lamp and a trumpet. At the command, the men were to break the pitcher to expose the light and blow the trumpet. This would set the illusion that there was a huge army surrounding the camp. Confusion insured and they began to kill each other in attempts to escape.

Matthew 5:14-16