28 Aristarchus – Fellowprisoner

28 Aristarchus – Fellowprisoner


Acts 20:1-5

He was a native of Thessalonica, a man from Macedonia. He seems to have been one of Paul’s wealthier converts.


A Daring Man

In Acts 19:29 he was one of the men captured by the mob, defending their goddess Diana


A Dependable Man

Philemon 1:24 Fellow labourer

He continued with Paul the rest of his missionary journey. He traveled with Paul for about three years.

Many volunteers start off well. They are full of enthusiasm and help. But when the novelty wears off they are not prepared to go for the long haul.


A Devoted Man

When Paul was arrested in Jerusalem, Aristarchus stood by Paul.

Colossians 4:10 fellowprisoner “fellow prisoner of war” He voluntarily made himself a prisoner in order to be close enough to Paul to minister to him