Timothy – Investing in Eternity
Acts 16:1-3
Early Life
Timothy mother was Jew and his father was a Greek.
His father died early in life so he was raised by his mother Eunice and grandmother Lois.
They took the time to teach him the scriptures and faith in God.
Timothy was probably converted in Paul’s first missionary journey at Lystra.
By the time Paul came back to check on the churches, Timothy had developed a testimony for the Lord
He followed in obedience to circumcision, not for salvation, but in order to be accepted by the Jews.
Discipleship by Paul
II Timothy 3:10-14
Thou hast fully known
Discipleship not only is developing the habit of obedience, but also includes pouring yourself into another person
Vs. 14 Every Timothy has the responsibility to continue, because someone investing in him
Following the Lord in Obedience
Philippians 2:19-22
He truly became Paul’s protégé
He was likeminded
He sought for the things of Christ
There was proof of his faithfulness to God
He was faithful to the authority in his life
He was used as part of Paul’s missionary team. When Paul would start a ministry, Timothy would oversee it when Paul left and helped train the local people until one of them was able to be the pastor
II Timothy 2:2
There are four people here:
Paul, Timothy, Faithful Men, Others also