13 Eternal Life

13 Eternal Life

Eternal Life

Mark 10:17-31

Eternal Life Can’t Be Earned vs. 17-22

A wealthy young man came running down at Jesus feet asking what he could do to inherit eternal life. This was his first problem. He wanted to do something to earn eternal life. Eternal life is something that is impossible to earn. As Jesus deals with this young man, Jesus is attempting to teach this very fact.

Jesus started first by trying to show this man that the only goodness is towards God.

Then Jesus quoted several of the Ten Commandments. The man claimed he had obeyed all these commandments since he was boy.

Jesus then told him to prove it. If young man as righteous as he claimed to be then the man was to sell everything he had and go to the cross with Jesus.

At this time the word cross was not used like we use it in today’s Christianity. At this time the cross was an instrument of death. Jesus was telling this man to come and die with Jesus.

The man walked away from Jesus and the truth, still with all of his possessions.


Eternal Life Can’t Be Bought vs. 23-27

If people can trust in what they can do, they will not trust in Jesus for their salvation. They will trust in riches, good works, and their own goodness in order to get into heaven.


Eternal Life Can Be Given Out for Free vs. 28-31

The disciples came to Jesus after this incident and talked with Him. They said we have given up everything, what are we going to get?

Jesus explained to them that they will receive rewards in heaven.