Matters of Purim
Esther 9
The Events of Purim
The Jews readily defended themselves, throughout the Persian Empire. It was reported that 75,000 people were slain by the Jews on that day.
The Celebration of Purim
The four main mitzvah (obligations) of the day are:
- Listening to the public reading of the Book of Esther
- Sending food gifts to friends
- Giving charity to the poor
- Eating a festive meal
The book is read on the Eve of Purim and the day of Purim.
There are parts that the audience “chants” or says with the reader.
In vs. 7-9 it lists the 10 sons of Haman. In the reading, all ten names are read in one breath.
Anytime Haman’s name in mentioned, the audience would blot out Haman’s name. Sometimes they would write Haman’s name on the bottom of their shoe and stomp them the name is mentioned. Other times they have a noise maker they would whirl to blot out Haman’s name
Vs. 22 Mentions food gifts and charity. Each adult must give two different foods to one person and two charitable donations to two poor people.
For charity, they are to give food or the money equivalent to the amount of food that is eaten at a regular meal. Usually they are given at the synagogue and then the money is distributed to those among the poor. Even the poorest person, even one who himself is dependent upon charity, is expect to give
Another custom has developed for this holiday. It is masquerading. The reason for this custom: It is a way of emulating God, who “disguised” His presence behind the natural events of the story. The masquerader is then allowed to give his charity and gifts with better anonymity
The Modern Echoes of Purim
In the modern era, echoes of Purim still ring.
Hitler banned the observance of Purim.
Hitler said in a speech in 1944 that if the Nazis were defeated, the Jews could celebrate a “second Purim”
Julius Streicher surmised that just as the Jews butchered 75,000 Persians in one night, the Jews would institute a second Purim festival in Germany.
On Purim 1942, 10 Jews were hanged for revenge of the hanging of Haman’s ten sons
On Purim 1943, shot 10 Jews from the ghettos
That same year 100 Jewish doctors and their families were shot.
Seconds before Streicher was hanged he shouted “Purim Fest 1946”
After WWII Stalin was considered the savior of the Jews for freeing them from eastern Europe. At the time he needed all the support and propaganda. He even supported the creation of a Jewish state, Israel. After things settled, he began to purge the Communist party of those with Jewish heritage.
With the beginning of the cold war, Israel began to ally with the west instead of Russia. He began to see a conspiracy of doctors believing them to be Jews. He stopped being seen by doctors, but treated only by veterinarians.
In 1952 Stalin announced, “Every Jewish nationalist is the agent of the American intelligence service. Jewish nationalists think that their nation was saved by the USA (there you can become rich, bourgeois, etc.). They think they’re indebted to the Americans. Among doctors, there are many Jewish nationalists.”
In 1953 Stalin “uncovered” a plot called the “Doctor’s plot” were the doctor’s in the USSR was planning on assassinating top Soviet leaders.
37 were originally arrested, but that number swelled into the thousands. Jewish people were laid off their jobs, and many arrested.
Stalin ordered the governor of Ukraine to incite anti-Semitism “The good workers at the factory should be given clubs so they can beat the hell out of those Jews.”
Stalin ordered the building of 4 concentration camps to be built to house the Jewish people.
Stalin died on Purim, 1953. He could have been saved if a doctor had examined him.
The camps were closed before anyone was sent to them and the following government immediately announced Stalin’s policies and declared the plot was fabricated
The God of Purim
Tetragram of YHWH
Even those the name God isn’t found, these letters are found together in spots