10 The Calling of Elisha

10 The Calling of Elisha

The Calling of Elisha

I Kings 19:19-21

According to Spurgeon

There must be an overwhelming desire for it.

There must be aptness to preach.

There must be some conversion work occurring under him.

The preaching must be accepted by the church.


John Newton’s requirements to preach

A desire to serve God above all else.

A demonstration of preparedness and equipping

A display of providential working of God in his life and ministry


The First Call of Any Christian’s Life is to Be with Him

Mark 3:14

Before God calls us to a place, Jesus calls us to Himself.

You must stand still before we can go forward.

Preachers are not made they are called.


The Principle of Training

Elijah took Elisha to train

God had already determined the Elisha would be used in a powerful way (vs. 16-17), but before he could be used, he needed to be trained

Every Elijah needs and Elisha, and every Paul needs a Timothy

It is never wasted time to stop and sharpen your axe


The Servant’s Heart

When Elijah found Elisha, Elisha was plowing the field.

You don’t go into the ministry because there is nothing else to do, God puts you in it because you are already serving

It is easier to turn the vehicle if you are moving (before power steering)

Elisha made himself a servant to his master, Elijah vs. 21

II Kings 3:11

Philippians 2:1-8

Partial obedience is complete disobedience


The Separated Life

Elisha took the time to kiss and parents and say good-bye

He took all the oxen and slew them, boiled their flesh and burned the instruments.

Preaching is not a fall-back position. He was preparing never to come back to that old life

II Timothy 2:3-4 – Roman soldiers were not allowed to own property, or have store or be married. They did not want anything to entangle them and not allow them to fight in the battle when they were called