06 Words of His Holiness

06 Words of His Holiness

 Words of His Holiness

Jeremiah 23:9-40

The Problem with Their Preaching

Immoral lifestyles themselves vs. 14

They speak from their own heart and not from the Lord vs. 16

They make even those that hate God feel good about their sins vs. 17

They were never sent by God vs. 21

They mix their dreams (thoughts opinions) into the messages vs. 25-26


The Effects of Their Preaching

The false preaching takes away holy living vs. 17

This preaching takes people’s thoughts away from God vs. 27

This preaching actually makes people know less about God’s word and confuses them vs. 30

It causes the people to err in living for that Lord vs. 32 by the lies (what is not in the Bible) and lightness (making the things of God light and vain)

Vs. 36 “Burden” carries the idea of “oracle or a burden of the lips” or “burden of the shoulder” This verse says because they claimed a burden of the lips, they will instead get a burden of the shoulders


The Proper Form of Preaching

Preaching should change lives vs. 22

Preaching should make us aware of our accountability towards the Lord vs. 23-24

Preaching should be clear in what God’s word is and our opinion is vs. 28

God’s word can do its own work vs. 29

Instead of “receiving a word from the Lord” the preachers should use God’s actual word vs. 34

We should be looking for what God has spoken vs. 37