06 The True Light Now Shineth

06 The True Light Now Shineth

The True Light Now Shineth

I John 2:7-11

There is a fight between the self-centered life and the Christ honoring life.


The Commandment

John 13:34-35

John 15:9-14

II Corinthians 4:1-6

You either obey or disobey a commandment.


The Cost

The new commandment is not a new commandment, but evidence of the new life in Christ.

Luke 10:25-37

If you are going to love someone it is not in words but in deeds.

There is no substitute invested with new convert


The Consequence

If you are self-absorbed and self-centered on your own ambitions, you might not realize you are in darkness.

Parents who are too self-absorbed, sometimes they are blinded on where their children are headed. You might not see their darkness.

King Saul hated the one who was really one of his best friends. Because of this he died in darkness.