21 More Conditions of the Millennium Kingdom October 24, 2018 Scotty Backhaus Millennium Kingdom, Prophecy Millennium Kingdom Isaiah
20 The Conditions of the Millennium Kingdom October 21, 2018 Scotty Backhaus Millennium Kingdom, Prophecy Millennium Kingdom Isaiah
18 What Do You Want For Your Life October 17, 2018 Scotty Backhaus Christian Service, Millennium Kingdom, Prophecy Millennium Kingdom Matthew
17 The New Covenant October 14, 2018 Scotty Backhaus Millennium Kingdom, Prophecy, Salvation Millennium Kingdom Jeremiah
16 The Hidden Treasure October 14, 2018 Scotty Backhaus Crucifixion, Life of Christ, Millennium Kingdom, Prophecy, Salvation Millennium Kingdom Matthew
15 The Davidic Covenant October 10, 2018 Scotty Backhaus Bible History, Millennium Kingdom, Prophecy Millennium Kingdom 2 Samuel
14 The Palestinian Covenant October 7, 2018 Scotty Backhaus Bible History, Millennium Kingdom, Prophecy Millennium Kingdom Deuteronomy
13 Why We Can Rejoice Now October 7, 2018 Scotty Backhaus Millennium Kingdom, Prophecy, Rejoice, Salvation Millennium Kingdom Isaiah
12 The Abrahamic Covenant October 3, 2018 Scotty Backhaus Bible History, Millennium Kingdom, Prophecy Millennium Kingdom Genesis
11 Marriage Supper of the Lamb September 30, 2018 Scotty Backhaus Church, Millennium Kingdom, Prophecy Revelation