East River Baptist Church Channel – Pastor Roger Hoots (Page 97) A Call To Prayer March 4, 2018 Roger Hoots Sermons God Is Not Mocked February 18, 2018 Roger Hoots Our Warfare Making A Difference February 11, 2018 Roger Hoots Sermons Know the Shepard February 4, 2018 Roger Hoots Sermons The Heart of God January 28, 2018 Ed Thierbach Sermons The Weapons of King Jehoshaphat January 21, 2018 Roger Hoots Our Warfare Three Things To Know About God January 14, 2018 Roger Hoots Our Warfare Don’t Waste Your Time January 7, 2018 Roger Hoots Sermons Redeeming Your Time December 31, 2017 Roger Hoots Sermons Look and Live December 24, 2017 Roger Hoots Christmas